DC Water Highlights Multiple Ways Residents & Businesses Rely on Water

October 10, 2018
Young students share how they value the city's drinking water.

District residents use about 100 gallons of water every day. Can you imagine your morning without freshly brewed coffee, a warm shower, or clean clothes? Hydration and hygiene aside—how would hospitals function without clean running water? How would firefighters address emergencies? From flushing toilets to running dialysis machines, water is critical to sustaining life as we know it.

“It’s important to reflect and recognize how water touches every part of our life,” says David L. Gadis, CEO and General Manager of DC Water. “Team Blue works hard to keep our water systems operating 24/7, so that clean, safe water can reach every home and business in the District.”

Today, DC Water visited different corners of the city to encourage students, elected officials and the public to think about the value of water in their daily lives as part of the “Imagine A Day Without Water” campaign. Plans include lessons, activities, trivia, and most importantly—great coffee and great beer:

  • Walk to School Day
    Lincoln Park, East Capitol St NE, between 11th and 13th
    DC Water joined students and elected officials bright and early at “Walk to School Day” with a lesson about the importance of clean water and reliable infrastructure, resources often overlooked or unseen.
  • Imagine A Day Without Lunch
    Corner of 7th and G St NW
    Team Blue and Compass Coffee were downtown to talk with residents about life’s most critical resource, and provide a much-needed mid-day caffeine boost.
  • Trivia Night at the Big Stick
    20 M St SW
    DC Water has teamed up with District Trivia to host trivia at the Big Stick, where participants will compete in “Water is Life” rounds, and celebrate the best thing on tap.



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