DC Water's
News & Updates

At DC Water, we understand the importance of keeping our community informed about our services, projects, and achievements. Our news web page serves as a reliable source for the latest information on a range of topics.

contract for construction of the Potomac River Tunnel (PRT)
9 January, 2019

DC Water Statement on Federal Government Payment for Water and Sewer Services

The Federal Government typically pays DC Water in advance for water and sewer services at the beginning of each fiscal quarter. In early January, the Department of the Treasury informed the Authority that it would not be able to pay the full amount owed for the second quarter of FY19 due to the Government shutdown ...

contract for construction of the Potomac River Tunnel (PRT)
9 January, 2019

DC Water Will Assist Federal Workers Impacted by Government Shutdown

DC Water announced today a plan to immediately begin working with any federal worker who may need additional flexibility in paying their bill because of the government shutdown.
“We stand ready to work with any customer. They are unintended victims in this situation and we are gladly willing to provide anyone affected by the ...

contract for construction of the Potomac River Tunnel (PRT)
7 January, 2019

Tunnel opened and operational during wettest year on record

Last Monday night’s rain was a fitting way to ring out the year—as 2018 goes into the books as the wettest year on record.

“This year was the ultimate test for the Clean Rivers Project tunnel system, said DC Water CEO and President David L. Gadis. “In the rainiest year on record, the tunnel, along with green infrastructure, beat ...

contract for construction of the Potomac River Tunnel (PRT)
20 December, 2018

Council legislation enables Office of the People’s Counsel to Engage on Water Issues

Next year DC Water customers will be able to work with the DC Office of the People’s Counsel if they have questions about their bills, under new legislation approved by the Council yesterday.


The new legislation brings several new services and resources to DC Water customers that previously were reserved ...

contract for construction of the Potomac River Tunnel (PRT)
20 December, 2018

More than 20,000 DC Water customers will have access to assistance with their water bills beginning in January 2019.

12 December, 2018

As temperatures fall across the region, DC Water prepares for its busy season of water main breaks. This past January, the frigid weather contributed to broken water mains across the region. In the District, we experienced more than 150 breaks over 11 days. For perspective, DC Water averages 400 water main breaks in a year.
In addition to the Authority’s Water Services crews, DC Water also calls ...

6 December, 2018

DC Water today announced plans to work closely with the District government to implement a new lead service replacement program that offers free and discounted replacements of lead water service pipes on private property for thousands of homes across the city. This program will be implemented once it is funded by the District, which is anticipated in October 2019.

The new program, approved by the D ...

13 November, 2018


Comment Period Extended for Potomac River Tunnel Environmental Assessment
Deadline for comments extended to December 4

WASHINGTON – Based on community feedback, DC Water and the National Park Service (NPS) are extending the deadline for ...

26 October, 2018

This Saturday, October 27, from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M., the public is encouraged to safely dispose of unwanted or expired medications at more than 50 locations in the District, and Virginia and Maryland suburbs. Residents can bring any quantity and type of unused medication to drop-off points and safely dispose of them in minutes.

“Flushing old medications down the toilet really isn’t a good ...

contract for construction of the Potomac River Tunnel (PRT)
25 October, 2018

Public invited to comment on Environmental Assessment for proposed Potomac River Tunnel

WASHINGTON – Interested in the health of Washington D.C.'s waterways? DC Water invites the public to comment on an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed Potomac River Tunnel. This project is designed to reduce combined sewer overflows to the Potomac River as part of the $2.7 billion DC Clean Rivers ...