DC Water's

Our capital improvement plan is measured in the billions. That's the level of investment required to upgrade our water and sewer systems, comply with federal mandates to reduce nutrient discharges and combined sewer overflows to local rivers, and improve the efficiency of our operations. This work is occurring across the city, and using the search filters below you can see what's happening in your neighborhood.

Click to view current and planned DCWater projects by Ward or ANC.

Green Infrastructure
One Team: Working Together, Improving the District
Efforts will help eliminate the exposure of sewer assets to the stream channel.
Benefits of this project include reducing stream and groundwater infiltration.
Wastewater Treatment
Plant now exceeds more stringent EPA requirements
Wastewater Treatment
Millions of gallons of combined sewage will wind up here for treatment
Wastewater Treatment
New DEMON® process will save millions in energy
Clean Rivers
Innovative Contracting for Clean Rivers Construction
New Administrative Building Under Construction on SE Waterfront
Clean Rivers
Major Tunnel Relief Structure Completed
Clean Rivers
Award Winning Project Completed on Time and Under Budget
Clean Rivers
Communication Brings About Coordinated Project with DDOT
Clean Rivers
New System in Place Under M Street SE to Deliver Flows to Tunnel
Clean Rivers
Cleared a Path for Tunnel Construction by Relocating Utilities
Green Infrastructure
Over $2M GI Project Completed with District Partnership
Green Infrastructure
Using GI at Our Facilities to Learn and Minimize CSOs
Green Infrastructure
First GI Project in Potomac River Completed
Clean Rivers
New Diversion Chambers Divert Flows to Blue Plains Tunnel
Green Infrastructure
GI Working to Mitigate Flooding in Bloomingdale
Clean Rivers
Construction Completed for a Major Component of Clean River's First Phase
Clean Rivers
First Clean Rivers Project in the Potomac Sewershed Completed